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ARTICLE| GSP Hub Website: an easy guide to the EU Generalized Scheme of Preferences

7 April 2023





The GSP Hub website with its new visual, structural, and content updates aims to enhance the information provided on the EU Generalised Scheme of Preferences in an accessible and user-friendly way. The website has been designed to collect information of relevance to the European Commission’s monitoring activities and provide GSP stakeholders with support and information for their advocacy activities regarding the GSP as a whole, and individual beneficiary countries, or international conventions. It is now easier to access information that was previously dispersed or convoluted.

The homepage of the GSP Hub Website provides access to several subpages that incorporate essential information. Three newly added boxes provide direct access to information on the GSP review, the GSP Reports, and the Access2Markets tool. From the information on the arrangements of the beneficiary countries and the steps planned forward for the GSP, everything is available in one scroll!

The newly introduced GSP Report box provides direct access to all the monitoring reports on the EU GSP for users who wish to explore the GSP reports. For the users holding the role of exporters or importers, useful information can be found in a nutshell by clicking on the newly added Access2Markets box, leading to a subpage with links to the official website of the EU gateway to trade information.

If the interest is primarily in a specific country, the new interactive map’s vivid colors allow for better navigation and easier selection of a targeted GSP beneficiary country. The user can “jump” instantly to the subpage with the updated economic data of the country. From GSP+, GSP and EBA beneficiaries’ preferential imports to all the imports of the country by product section,  everything is just a click away.

The newly added GSP+ Monitoring Compliance Database reference on the main page provides easy access to up-to-date information about the 27 international conventions covered by the GSP regulation and the performance of the GSP+ countries regarding their reporting obligations, as monitored by the competent monitoring bodies. The database covers all GSP+ countries and the enhanced engagement countries.

The library section with information on various websites such as DG Trade Helpdesk on  GSP,  GSP regulation, monitoring bodies of the international conventions, think tanks, NGOs, and Social Partners can now be accessed from the main page.

The homepage displays the latest communication materials and users can download them directly from there.

The new updates on the website comprise a new practical tool to access all the GSP-related information. So, what are you waiting for? Go check it, explore, stay informed, and share your thoughts.